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Tuesday 16 July 2013

White House Down Review

Roland Emmerich is commonly known for his action blockbusters like Stargate, Independence day, Godzilla, The Day After Tomorrow and 2012 all having ensemble casts. White House Down another one of Roland's old formula made films has some memorable moments and really is a perfect blockbuster for all those film goers that are interested as a result of nicely put trailer. But other then that it dose not or will not pace up and be comparable to other classics of the genre. It has a straightforward story that is quite focused but it lacks visuals that are usually there in such movies, visuals that are explosive. As compared to Olympus has Fallen, its plot is more of lighter tone and lacks the serious tone that is easily visible in the former. 

The movie is not all about politics, its not some drama with political maneuvering but an action film with a good plot and well developed characters. The movie at times focuses upon the modern Geo political happenings, all the effort to center around current issues really makes the movie more feasible for suspense filled twists and turns. Director has tried to sell it the old way well known cast with white house in flames and all that. so all in all the movie is quite appealing if you are action flicks lover.

The story is centered around a US Capitol Police Officer named John cale who is charged with protection of speaker of the House. Cale in hope of winning his daughter named Emily over joins U.S Secret Service and accompanies her to white house for a tour. The tour turns out to be rather unfortunate, a terrorist group lays a well planned siege to the white house that was not anticipated by anyone ! In the process of free President James sawyer from the captivity of terrorists Emily is taken in as hostage by the terrorists. As it happens with all other such movies, it turns out that cale is the only one who stands between the evil force of terrorists and global destruction. 

The movie was neither too good nor too bad, the movie really did depend on channing Tatum's talent i.e decent humor with big action. Also Jamie Fox must be given credit, both of these actors were equally entertaining. Jamie really had contribution to all those best moments after all. other then that the supporting roles were also played out well, Jason Clarke, Maggie Gyllenhaal, James woods  and Richard Jenkins all of them gave good performances. Many core scenes in the films also owe their excellence to joey king(a thirteen year old boy) and a daughter(Emily) who was a solid addition. 

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