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Monday 5 August 2013

Is Al-Qaeda really up to something big?

DI Khan Jail
Today we live in societies with so much issues that hold us back, back from progress and development not only in terms of physical needs but also the thinking process. Poverty, corrupt social norms and lack of education with so many more are the issues that are consistently plaguing almost all societies for a century. Unfair to say that these severe issues were not doing so before but now in the present day, when world has been transformed into a global village it is very easy to address these issues if only we have the will to do so! 

Today in many unprivileged societies at large and in others to some extent that call themselves educated and progressive; Extremism and intolerance have been rooted deep into these societies due to internal as well as external factors. Many sociologists have formed a conclusion after thorough research that Extremism nurtures intolerance and ultimately terrorism all across; All these issues also have origins in other issues like for example the one I described above, Poverty and lack of education etc. 

Al-Qaeda is a global terrorist organization that is highly organized and  is devoted to attacking military as well as civil targets all round the globe, it views all the liberal Muslims, non-Sunnis and Sufi's as heretics. It was important to mention above issues because Al-Qaeda and all other Militant organizations exploit these issues to their advantage all the time. Also I as literate obligation to say here that all the misconceptions about Islam are wrong. A religion never promotes extremism and most of all Islam is all about being balanced in everything and not taking extremes. Al-Qaeda along with all other terrorists are just a minute portion of Muslim population that are damaging our image in front of whole world.

Recently there has been jailbreaks making headlines in media, these incidents occurred in 9 countries including Pakistan, Libya and Iraq. United States closed embassies in some 21 countries followed by Britain announcing to do so in Yemen and Canada in Bangladesh respectively. Interpol also issued an alert globally that there is a huge possibility that Al-Qaeda was behind the incidents and may plan more in near future. It also requested its member countries to cooperate in any way possible to confirm whether these were isolated or interlinked events. According to latest reports some 500 convicts broke out in Libya, 1100 in Libya while 150 in Pakistan. 

United States warned its citizens against foreign travel saying: 

               "Current information suggests that Al-Qaeda and affiliated organisations continue to plan terrorist attacks both in the region and beyond, and that they may focus efforts to conduct attacks in the period between now and the end of August". 
So the big question whether Al-Qaeda is behind these incidents or not? and are they planning to carry out more of these breakouts along with other terror activities? Considering the Fact that many of their Senior Commanders with Osama at the top of the list have been killed in the previous years its not hard to comprehend for an answer!

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